Can You Remove a Business Partner for Bad Behavior?
December 9, 2019If your business partner has behaved in ways that have adversely impacted your business, you are likely to want to cut ties but may be unsure about how to proceed. As is the case in many areas of the law, the answer is, it depends. First, you need to look at the nature of your […]…
DetailsHow to Dissolve a Business Partnership
October 28, 2019A common term for dissolving a business partnership is “business divorce.” It’s called a divorce because, in many ways, business partnerships are like a marriage. Partners are bound together both legally and emotionally, and a split can be as difficult or easy as the partners decide to make it. While it’s n…
DetailsWhy You Need Your Own Attorney in a Business Divorce
May 31, 2019There’s a reason that attorneys are called counselors — they counsel clients on the best course of action in legal matters. As a general rule, attorneys are not supposed to represent parties that may have opposing interests. When a group of shareholders are involved in a business dispute, the in…